Links I Like 04-21-13

6:43 PM

1.) I somehow missed this Cracked article about "5 Baffling Discoveries That Prove History Books Are Wrong" that was posted about a year ago.
Favorite quote: "We're starting to think aliens knew what they were doing when they totally and for real landed in New Mexico all those years ago. Weird shit has been popping up in the Land of Enchantment since forever"

2.) I have a soft spot for the Belgian boy reporter Tintin, so I was fascinated with this article about a possible real life inspiration for him. Oh, and yes, this did come from Cracked as well.

3.) This article in the New York Times about two weeks ago was an assigned reading in my Intro to Journalism class. For some reason, during class discussion I was the only one appalled at the implications of the so-called ag-gag laws that are getting proposed across the country. As an aspiring investigative journalist, I related substantially to the apparent disgust of the author of the article. Purdy, who had once gone undercover in a slaughterhouse in 1999, could now be prosecuted for the same actions and be put "on a registry of “animal and ecological terrorists”. Another good link to read up on the same topic were the letters to the editor a few days later. 

4.) I will be having to miss the Lyrid meteor shower this year due to light pollution, but you don't have to. I choose to usually watch showers at my rural home, but tonight I'm stuck on campus. You can still read up even if you have to miss it.

5.) The words Hobo Stew are not usually followed up by the word delicious, however this recipe that I stumbled across on Pinterest looks promising and cheap enough for my non-existent college student budget.

6.) I love melodysheep. This will become obvious in some of my upcoming posts that are planned to include some of their videos. I was originally turned on to melodysheep after hearing about the videos on NPR last semester. The Bob Ross remix has been stuck in my head today, and I suggest you go give it a listen. The line that I hear repeating in my head as I type are the words "This is your world, you're the creator".

7.) I love Giada De Laurentiis, and I hope to be able to make my mother this lovely menu on Mother's Day.

8.) I'm a girly person sometimes, as much  as I am frequently ashamed to admit. However, some of my most visited sites are fashion and makeup dedicated, so I find many of my favorite links there. Often I don't enjoy overly complicated tutorials for looks that appear naturally (for example this confusing messy ponytail tutorial). I am looking forward to trying out this natural waves tutorial, check it out.

9.) Nanalew posted this video on her Facebook page about a week back and I finally got a chance to catch a look at it. It provides a lot of good advice that I think people should here more often if they are looking to get into creative careers, a lot of which I'm attempting to follow myself.

10.) I heard this lovely interview on "To the Best of Our Knowledge" on NPR today about Paul and Julia Child and their involvement in the OSS. While apparently the book in question is not that great, I would personally recommend Julia's memoir "My Life in France".

By the way, update on Alex the bunny. She stood up for most of today and yesterday. Apparently something is working.

Chao till tomorrow.

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Kali Kavouklis is a journalism student with a focus on photojournalism. She also minors in entomology and nematology and wildlife ecology and conservation.